Monday, July 20, 2009

One-eyed Easton

Easton has clogged tear ducts so his eyes are goopy all the time. I am always driving him crazy by wiping the tears and boogers. The other morning one of his eyes was gooped shut. He woke up very happy but with only one eye to see out of! It was sad looking but kinda funny too.

Before I attacked with a washcloth


Not so ready for rice!

We tried rice cereal tonight since Easton is 5 months old today! Agh! I can't believe that he is getting so big so fast! He was not a big fan of rice cereal but we will try it again tomorrow!


So isn't it weird to look back at your baby to when they are first born. You forget how much they change because it happens so fast. My friend from work took pictures of Easton after he was home just a couple days so he was about 2 1/2 weeks old. He was so skinny, hairy and jaundice! Either way, he was the cutest baby I ever saw even though now I realize that he was kinda frog-like but oh well I love him so much!

Thursday, July 9, 2009


So I might be the only person in America excited to say this but... I got laid off! Yippee!
My last day will be August 28 and then I get to start my career as a stay at home mom! I will be working with Bill and helping him as much as I can with his business but the best part is that I can be with my baby boy! Whew!
It has been a fun ride and I got to plan and throw some amazing parties but those days are over at SunCor and I am excited to move into this phase in my life.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Alex is home!

One of Bill's brothers came home from his mission in Brazil yesterday! It was so great to see him and we had a good day just hanging out, looking at pictures and catching up. At the airport, Alex was so polite and said, "Can I hold your baby?" all funny with his accent. It was cute and Easton loves his uncle already!


Easton is so dramatic and such a faker! It is hilarious because he complains and acts like his life is over while I get his bottle ready. We have to hide the camera otherwise he will stop and just stare at it.

Pinewood Derby!

A couple weekends ago, our ward did the Pinewood Derby... a little late in the year but that is how it goes in AJ. I am in the primary presidency so we wanted to create an obnoxious girly car just to talk trash to the cub scouts. I think that I did a pretty good job. I mean my car has a bow, a tutu and is glittery pink. And yes it says Girls Rock! We didn't win but we did beat cars often enough that I could brag a little. It was fun and our cub scouts loved it!

4 months!

I can't believe that my baby is 4 months old! It has been so fun and gone by so fast! He had his 4 month check up last week and it was as tramatic as last time but this picture was taken before he knew what was coming! He weighs 16 pounds 8 ounces and is 25 3/4 inches long. 80th percent for both whatever that means... all I know is it mean he is getting BIG! No more preemie worries!
My sister in law is wonderful about posting milestones with each month so I am going to try and do the same.
  • Easton rolled twice... I think on accident but they still count
  • Talks up a storm in the mornings
  • Smiles about everything
  • Bats at his toys
  • Focuses really hard at himself in the mirror
  • Loves to look at pictures in books
  • Pushes off his legs and try to stand (like in the picture)
  • Chews on his hands

Easton is such a happy and laid back baby and I love being his mom!