Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Easton LOVES nutrigrain bars, I mean who doesn't really. I figure it is okay to feed him one for a snack as they are semi-healthy and he can down a whole one. Now a nutrigrain bar frequents the diaper bag.

The other day I was keeping Easton happy on the ride home by feeding him pieces. I thought I was being careful by putting them right in his mouth. He enjoyed his snack and fell asleep. Good mom, right?
It was inside of his ears, on the back of his head, smeared on his eyelashes, mushed into the carseat... yummy to clean up!
Too stinkin cute to not take pictures first.


  1. Nutrigrain bars are a must have in my purse, Cecily eats one pretty much everyday while we are out and about!
    He is so dang cute! SERIOUSLY!!

  2. cara loves those too! I don't think cara wants any for awhile though since she barfed last time she ate one. yikes.
