Sunday, May 17, 2009

Male Pattern Baldness and Buttcracks

Easton had his first plumbers crack and only cute now cause he is so little! Oh yea and because everything on him is cute!

Easton had major balding going on that made him look like a grandpa from the back. So he had his first haircut and it went great. Most people think there is something wrong with cutting your 3-month old baby hair but come on the kid needs to have style!
Don't worry, I saved the clippings like a sentimental mom!


  1. Baby buttcracks are the best :-)...and wait until he's in high school and use it for leverage!! CUTE!!!

  2. Im so for cutting that baby hair when they start looking like old men, I cut the twins hair pretty early too. I love baby butts! They are the best!

  3. wow, can't believe you had to cut his hair already!! Owen's jealous.
